Tai and officer

Tie means knot in immigration. Your ties to your country are called ties. For example, if we say that your ties with Iran are weak, it means that you do not have a strong bond to return to Iran after leaving the country.

Now that you know the tie for Canadian visa, get to know the next concept: Balance of Ties

Whenever talking about balance tie, remember the scale. In the picture below, you can see that on one side of the scale, your connections with your place of residence (assuming Iran) and on the other side your connections with Canada are weighed. Which shoe is heavier? This is the answer to Tai’s question.

Officers are middle-paid employees working in the Canadian Immigration Department. Most of them belong to the middle class of the society and have a post-graduate or bachelor’s degree. The nationality of the officers is as diverse as the cultural diversity of Canada. Of course, they are all Canadian citizens.

Considering the countless number of cases that flow to the Canadian Immigration Department, it is natural that these officers are very busy. Knowledgeable sources in the Immigration Department informed the visa lawyers that the review of each case in the Immigration Department does not take more than a few minutes.